Friday, August 13, 2010

Love Is A Very Dangerous Thing

I may write more on the character of Kayla later, this story didn't go the way I wanted. She seems like a very interesting character to get to know better. Plus she still needs to get her revenge, doesn't she? This is my Friday Flash guys, sorry its not better:

I’m commonly asked, admittedly usually by someone I’m about to kill, what it was that made me into the best female assassin alive. My response is always pretty much the same, a lot of hard work, always willing to learn a new and usually fucked up way to end someone’s life, and a really fucked up childhood.

My mother died when I was 6. I know that isn’t too particularly fucked up, but my father was the one who killed her. In front of me… in fact he told me if I didn’t watch he was going to kill me too. Then after CPS picked me up, he disappeared. I started training then, to kill without any emotion, so that I could one day kill him, and get away with it. I haven’t found him yet, but I will one day. I’m only 27 after all.

Before my mother died, she told me once what it was like to be in love (for she truly loved my father). She told me that she never wanted to take anything away from him but to give him more. She never wanted anything for herself, everything was devoted to him. She told me something that at the time I found entirely profound (I worshipped the ground my mother walked on, just so you know). She told me: “This is what you look for Kayla, look for a man who doesn’t say that you’re everything to him, just that you’re something to him. Don’t expect to be his inspiration but pray that he’s yours.”

Even after my father killed her I still believed that, but I could never bring myself to fall in love. Love was definitely not my plan. Until I got this assignment… His name was Michael Swanson, and I could tell even from the blurry picture I got of him that he was beautiful. I know that’s not usually a word associated with men, but it’s true. Perfect jaw, straight teeth that are pure ivory, and piercing, burning gray eyes. I was given a location to find him. Some tiny coffee shop, you know the type of place, mismatched mugs, happy smiling owners that always seem to be working, and a usual crowd that knows everyone.

As an assassin, it’s my job to blend in. We don’t wear all black, that’s a myth, and only trendy wannabes who get killed their first assignment do that. So I sat at a simple dark metal table in possibly the most uncomfortable chair I’ve ever sat in, waiting for this perfect specimen to show up. He caught me by surprise by pulling up a chair and sitting right next to me.

“So they want me dead, huh?” That’s all he said. I was so shocked that I almost fell over.

I composed myself, “Yes, and they’re paying me very well to do it. Are you going to try to convince me not to? Because that would take a pretty penny, sir.”

He laughed, “No, I deserve it, at least from their point of view. You can kill me right here if you want. I won’t try to stop you.”

I think that was the moment I fell in love with him, my heart stopped. A man not afraid to die… A man who wanted to make my job easier. Not that killing was all that difficult. “So tell me, who are these people who want you dead, and why do they want you dead? Be honest with me and I may just reconsider.”

“My former in-laws. They’re loaded, unlike me, so I can’t afford to pay you. I killed my wife. I’ll admit that. She tried to take my life, so I took hers.”

“Can I ask you how you knew what I was?” I must have had the most perplexed look on my face.

He laughed again, “Well that’s pretty simple actually. We’ve met before, but you don’t remember, do you?”

I shook my head, “I don’t believe you though, I would remember you for sure.”

“No, I was just your geeky foster brother, why would you remember me?”

I remembered him now. All legs and braces, no wonder his teeth were so perfect. He was my first kiss, and then I broke his heart by running away the next day. “But your name isn’t Michael!”

“It is now. Jonathan is long dead, I suppose it’s time for Michael to die too.” He kissed me hard, “Kill me, Kayla, because I died the day you left. The day after you killed our foster mother, I followed your career after that. I knew all the right people, or in this case, the wrong people. You should have taken me with you.” Then he left. He just walked away, and I felt the heart break he must have felt the day I ran away.

So now I’m standing in his bedroom watching him sleep. Do I kill the one man who can inspire me? Or do I crawl in next to him?

“Have you made your decision Kayla?” His eyes aren’t open but he knows I’m here.

“Yes, I have.”

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